In the world of gaming, dying isn't a big deal. Fall off a cliff? Start over. Get hit by a car? Start over. Step on a land mine? Start over. Get swallowed by a giant fish? Start over. No matter how you die, you always can start over.

Every now and again, you die in such a unique way that you find it amusing. Be it hilarious, gruesome, or just plain awkward, we've all experienced a memorable gaming death in a class of its own.

Mine came in River City Ransom. With only one bar of energy left, I took on a couple of guys from the Squid gang. The Squids are the fastest guys on the game. I manage to defeat all but one of them. I grab a tire and jump in the air to throw it at him. I miss since he runs under the tire as it's in the air. The tire rolls offscreen. The Squid picks up a crate and knocks me down with it. As he stands over me, waiting for me to get back up, the tire slowly rolls back onscreen after hitting the wall offscreen. The tire knocks the Squid down and he dies. The crate he was carrying falls ontop of me while I'm on the ground and I die right there.

Damn, that was ironic!

What are some of the most memorable ways you've died in a game?