I have only been "in the know" in regards to games for the past several years, so I have scarcely witnessed firsthand a "normal" game transform into a desirable game with greater demand than supply, ie: Earthbound/Suikoden 2/Xenoblade.

Which games of the passing generation will eventually join this pantheon? Here are some candidates and general thoughts,

-Wii, DS, and PSP will have the lionshare of these games.
*Wii was underappreciated in its time (like the Gamecube). I expect it to get a second wind amongst game enthusiasts like the Gamecube did, and for many of the "hardcore" games to jump in price (ie:Fire Emblem:Radiant Dawn). If nothing else, it has the Nintendo legacy behind it which will maintain an interest in the console amongst old and new Nintendo fans alike.

*DS has a wide array of quirky, original games, with low print runs. Finding many DS games CIB is made more difficult than other recent games due to Gamestop's policy of throwing DS boxes away en masse to save shelf space. DS is the king of JRPGs for its generation, and JRPGs are a prime genre for continued demand and willingness for buyers to invest money in. Many DS games will likely be difficult to effectively port in the future.

*PSP too was underappreciated in its time. It shares many similarities with DS (low print runs, JRPGs, quirky games, etc.). Games got lower printings than they might have otherwise due to rampant piracey.

Individual games,
*No special/collector's editions, only the "normal" releases of games
*NTSC only

Valkyria Chronicles (PS3) Outstanding game, very unique, exclusive, no digital version. VC2 disappointed, VC3 wasn't localized, both were PSP and scaled down compared to VC1.

Vanquish (PS3/360)

Ni No Kuni (PS3) HD JRPG, exclusive, studio ghibli name recognition

Xenoblade (Wii) This will only go up in value if it isn't rereleased, especially with a "Xenoblade 2" on the way, which is sure to increase demand for this game beyond even what it is now

Tales of Graces f (PS3) HD JRPG, exclusive

Tales of Vesperia (360) HD JRPG, exclusive, very well received

Tales of Xillia (PS3) HD JRPG, exclusive

Deadly Premonition (360, Director's Cut PS3) Cult classic, low print run

The Last Story (Wii) JRPG, well received, XSEED published, Operation Rainfall association

Pandora's Tower (Wii) end of generation release, XSEED published, Operation Rainfall association

Sin & Punishment: Star Successor (Wii) Treasure developed, high quality, unlikely to be rereleased/ported

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (Wii) Fire Emblem series gains more fans with each game, high quality, ambitious, JRPG, small print run

Little King's Story (Wii) unique, XSEED published, cult classic

Tatsunoko vs Capcom (Wii) exclusive, will possibly never be rereleased

Hotel Dusk:Room 215 (DS) I expect people to want to collect the DS/3DS visual novels, high quality, unique setting & artstyle, CiNG went bankrupt

999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors (DS) high quality, visual novel, has sequels, *first printing has a different box art

Ghost Trick (DS) visual novel, low print run

The World Ends With You (DS) well received and one of the few well received recent Square Enix games

Radiant Historia (DS) well received and had already hit high prices before a reprint


I'm going to leave it there, I could list many more games, on the DS & PSP in particular.