I'm sure there have been a million of these cases discussed on here, but I need help. I've bought quite a bit of stuff off of Ebay in the past year, but this is the only problem I've run into yet. About a month and a half ago I won an auction for Snatcher for the Sega CD, disc only, for about $15. The guy (Ebay ID: timpudisu) was selling a whole bunch of Sega CD stuff, and everyone else who bid on his other items left positive feedback for the seller saying how quickly their items came and all that other stuff (so obviously, he came through for them, but not me). After 3 weeks, I emailed him and said that my game had never come. A few days later, he emailed me apologizing saying that for some reason my package never got sent out, but that it was being sent out right now. He even offered to refund the shipping costs, but I said he didn't have to, I just want the game. Well, 3 weeks later, and still nothing. I emailed him a couple of times, haven't heard anything. Since its been a month and a half, I know that Paypal won't help me get my money back. Can my credit card company do anything about it? Is there anything I can do besides just leave negative feedback? I really, really want this game badly, but at this point I just want my money back because obviously this dude won't deliver it for some unknown reason. Any suggestions?