i buy new gamecube laser on eBay and replace my old in gamecube.
I check pot and turn it to cca 300ohm.
on my old laser i must use much less for reading DVD backups and just few of them work, so i buy new one.
Problem is that new laser not shine ! I not burn or blow tham - first time i power on gamecube with this new laser was pot set to even more that 300ohms, so i cannot destroy them. New laser is moving but not shine...

I try replace back my old laser and it work, but i must select much less ohms on pot to reading DVD backups - on 170ohm even originals not working.
Many people mean that 15-20 ohms blow out laser but my old laser work only on 15-20ohms and not burn.
Old laser shine and work like before - so not too good but shine.

I replace new laser again.
When i ad new laser i start at cca 400ohms and new laser not shine but lens moving up-down and also "forward - backward".
I try from any resistivity from 400ohm to cca 100ohm but new laser not shine.
I check if flat cable is not demaged and correctly pluged on PCB but all is OK.

Have some of you problem with new laser buyed on eBay ?
Or is in these lasers some block that must be removed before instalation, i check but not find anything...

If someone also byt GameCube laser on eBay, write your experiences here.