Before Mighty No. 9 even releases, we have a new Kickstarter - no, a new PAIR of Kickstater projects - from Keiji Inafune. These are very obviously "inspired" by Mega Man Legends.

Red Ash - The Indelible Legend (Game)

Red Ash - Magicicada (Anime)

Now look, I want another Mega Man Legends game more than the next guy, but this... isn't what I want. Yes, I like a lot of things which the MML series has which RA has, but what I most want is a continuation of the story and to spend more time with the characters of Mega Man Legends. These doppelgangers and their story just don't hold much interest for me. I do like the Cowboy Bebop vibe which Red Ash is imbued with, but that's not enough motivation for me to pay out money so that Inafune can make another game which obviously wants to be part of a different game series.

I mean, seriously: Mega Man Legends = Rockman Dash. Red Ash = ReDash. Then look at the character designs. How much more does he want to go, "Hint hint!"? Any more than this and he'd be hitting people over the head with a baseball bat. Good thing Japanese companies are so "shy" about lawsuits. If this was two American companies, there would be a high chance a lawsuit would result from all of this.

Does Comcept have a creative bone in its corporate body? First it had Kai-Oh: King of Pirates which wanted to be One Piece and which was ultimately cancelled. Then it had Mighty No. 9 which wants to be Mega Man classic with Mega Man Zero guest-starring as its Protoman. Then it (and Inti Creates) had Azure Striker Gunvolt which wants to be Mega Man Zero / ZX. Then it had Mighty Gunvolt which not only wants to be Mega Man classic, but its graphics, music, sound effects, and (embarrassing, intentionally mangled) translation all scream that it wants to be an 8-bit Mega Man game. And now it wants to make Red Ash, a blatant Mega Man Legends wannabe. Is Inafune just going to use carbon copy paper to produce dark copies of every project he ever worked upon at Capcom?