Hey, so here's a Throwback Thursday thing for you. I recently got my buddy hooked on Extreme Pinball. He's been playing the (weak) PSX port, but I know it has a stronger presence on PC, and this is a question from me as well. Actually, it's the big 3 questions of pinball:
1. What the hell do I do?
2. How the hell do I do it?
3. Where the hell do I go to do it?
Basically, he can't figure out half of the missions, and despite my ~20 years playing it off an on, I don't know either. I can't find any guides or walkthroughs. I've tried GameFAQs and the first 50 google search results. Is there anyone on these forums who can help? All I have to work with are the tips pages in the instruction booklet, and that doesn't say crap about the tables.