...and I'm not gonna TAKE it anymore! I got the chance to play the Game Boy Advance version of the game, and all it's done (aside from aggravate me) is make me wish that much harder for a Game Boy Advance translation of Gunstar Heroes. You know, that's the action-packed shooter that DOESN'T kill your characters after every five steps.
I suppose it's a good translation of the Super NES game, even if the the music is crummy and the new rounds look as though they were pulled from an *NES* game. The reason for this is that these stages were on loan from the rather lackluster Genesis version of Contra. On the plus side, at least this means you won't see as much of the gimmicky overhead rounds from the Super NES release. What you WILL see, however, is your character dying. Over and over again. Sometimes because there doesn't seem to be any way to escape death. I have no idea why anyone would want to put up with this... I sure as hell don't. I've played way too many unforgiving games in my twenty-eight years and I don't need to add another one to the pile, especially not an unremarkable remake of two games I hated ten years ago.