Would I?? In retrospect I would try to sell everything but that.

Before my daughter was born we were not well of financially. We had everything we needed for the baby thanks to family and friends, but didn't have anything saved for when the wife was going to be off work, we planned to but thanks to some bad money management it didn't happen. long story short, I had to sell my s**t but quick. CDX, DC, J Saturn, TG-16, XBOX, and about 40 games (insignificant compared to the collection I have now), but at the time killed me, as I didn't get alot for it, not because it was bad stuff , just had to go the local route as time was of the essence.

Now thankfully we are much better off moneywise, I got everything back I sold (and then some lol) learned better game buying ways(nevery buy new release games being one of them, and only buy stuff your going to play) I would sell all my movies before I would sell games again.