Pssst! Over here!

Be quiet, because they might be listening. You know who I'm talking about--the video game companies. Do you think they've turned a blind eye to emulation, placing faith in the fact that (for the most part) it's an underground community? I mean, all the big names know it exists. And, you and I both know it's illegal. But, people still do it.

Lately, though, things have been changing. Have you noticed? Emulation is getting a little more publicity: a CNN news story (that's television, not the web-site), magazine articles, maybe you've seen a local report or two? The media seems to like it; it makes a good story--like the whole RIAA business.

Will there be a major crack-down like the music industry experienced? Or, is the emulation community actually capable of not stepping on too many toes? What do you think?