I have to go with Chronotrigger Im currently playing the PS FF:chronicles version since I got little actual playtime with the game back when it was released and I have to say that it may be my favorite RPG of all time right after Panzer Dragoon Saga (SS)
The graphics and animation are great (by 16-bit standards of course) and the storytelling,characters and execution of this RPG is truly close to perfection.
Anyway what is your favorite 16-bit game ever? also take the time to tell us why if u want
On a side note: yes Im well aware that the turbographix-16 is actually an 8-bit system with a 16-bit color processor but hey I believe it to be one of the 16-bit era systems im mean the graphics always looked just as good as most genny games and just as colorful as most supernes games right?