Yay! I just won an auction for a supergun ( http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll...205021281&rd=1) Using this trinket I can play jamma boards on my tv.

The problem is I don't know anything about jamma. I tried to find a decent faq about it, but couldn't find anything specific.

What are the games that stand out? I got a game of street fighter 2 dash with it ( http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll...205021782&rd=1), but only because it was the cheapest the same seller had for sale. I'm mainly interested in the newer games, and maybe some older puzzlers or shooters. Games like Tekken, soul edge, mortal kombat etc. What should I look for? I want games that are better than their console counterparts, or don't even have a console counterpart.

How safe is it to have it sent to me? It's probably sensative stuff and non of the sellers I've seen on ebay offers any kind of warranty.

Are there any other places I can buy boards from? Good stuff for low prices preferably