Maybe I've gotten spoiled lately by finally getting to enjoy King of Fighters 95 on the Saturn (making Tetsu proud!) I'm one of the (possibly) few that *really* digs the Saturn control pads. Anyway, I broke out KoF 99 Dream Match today, and this resulted in my swearing up a storm. Damn, do those Dreamcast pads suck for 2D fighting goodness. I never really noticed it before, but now that I've had it good... So:

What is the best control pad or joystick to pick up for playing games like KoF 99 on the Dreamcast and actually enjoying them as they should be experienced? My thumb hurts from trying to pull off simple moves - ones that I don't even need to think about with my loving Saturn pad. Poor Iori looked pathetic out there, and I blame that directional cross thing!