I know that alot of games undergo a name change from region to region because of cultural defferences and copyright issues, but i'm wondering which games either had really interesting names and lost them, or ones that have a good story.

Feel the Magic immediately jumps to my mind.

US: Feel the Magic: XY/XX
EU: Project Rub
AU: Project Rub
JP: I Would Die for You (Kimi no Tame Nara Shineru)

US: Rub Rabbits!
EU: Unknown
JP: Where do Babies Come From? (Akachan wa Doko Kara Kuru no?)

Those names in Japan are awsome, apparently unfit for our shores, but awsome.

US: Fatal Frame
EU: Project Zero
JP: Zero

Clearly the US has the best one but i'm not really sure why the other regions don't. I believe in the EU it was because they couldn't have the word "Fatal" in the title.

US: Resident Evil
EU:Resident Evil
JP: Biohazard

This change was because a band owns the Biohazard copyright outside of Japan. It's a shame too because biohazard is a cool and fitting name.

Any other really interseting ones?