So do you consider the neo-geo a part of the 16-bit generation? Or a low end contender in The 32/early 64-bit generation?

I think SNK could've left the Neo in the arena as a low-end 32-bit alternative, with a lowered price tag (say, priced no more than $179 for the gold sysem - all games at normal console prices)... They could've been a serious contender with the PSX and Saturn. Seriously... How many Neo-Geo ports did the PSX see in its life?

God forbid, this could even be considered a current-gen 2-D system! (I know it sounds laughable, but good games are still being released for this thing, 17 years after its intro! Samuari Showdown V in 2004!? They still pump out Metal Slug games, too)

I now recognize the Neo-Geo as one of the most under-appreciated systems (more at home than arcade..) ever.