Quote Originally Posted by Hep038
You already do spam the boards with 20 topics each day with how much you hate sony. So whats new?
Huh. That's interesting. Considering that looking at my post history, the first page goes as far back as September 10. So I've made 25 posts, not necessarily topics, in about two months.

Looking at these posts I've made in the past two months, I see two topics about Sony created by me. Wow, that's certainly spamming 20 topics each day...

Considering the fact that you obviously went through my post history to find this old topic and add your useless post in, thereby bumping a totally irrelevant and outdated thread, one would've thought you would've made a post that showed you were more informed about my posting habits. Guess not.

Looks like you're the one spamming now. Perhaps you could tell me: Did you post add anything meaningful to this thread? No? Well, nice spamming there buddy.