Quote Originally Posted by swlovinist View Post
TurboGenesis, I speak of collecting for the Neo Geo as being hardcore due to many factors(System availability, Game prices, cost of system and system upgrades) Nobody is forcing you to collect anything. Anyone is welcome to collect the system, but I like to warn anyone getting themselves into the scene what they are facing. When I talk about bragging rights, we all like to have that something in our collection we are proud of and it is not to put anyone else down for it(at least that is how I look at it). I enjoy my Neo Geo very much so. For my 29th birthday, me and my close friends stayed up all night and beat Magician Lord(no easy task). It took over 8 hours and was one hell of a ride.
As I said I wasn't picking on you. Your age is pretty close to mine so I am sure you remember the early 90's and all the hype around the Neo Geo (thanks Electronic Gaming Monthly). Nobody is forcing anyone to collect anything. I bought my very own AES in 2003 and it took me 4 months just to find the system I wanted (I have a bone stock US model). I own 9 games and the most "expensive" one is probably Last Resort which can hit $100 on a bad day. Honestly I am only after a few more games (Viewpoint, Aero Fighters 2, League Bowling) and I'll be all set. Folks from our time have memories of the Neo Geo. It was tough to get but now we are grown up and can afford to spend cash on it where our parents said no no.

Here is what I like to say to someone considering to purchase an AES.
1. What kind of games do you like? Neo Geo is vastly 2d vs. fighting games.
2. Many of those fighting games are available on other platforms (ie DC, PS2, Xbox)
3. It costs money. More than most other platforms.
4. Who will be playing with you? Neo Geo is best with 2 players.

Neo Geo AES USA is really the worst way to go about playing Neo Geo. The price doesn't make cents.