Aha...Star Fox! Yes, that game's good enough to make up for the fact that Nintendo never released Star Fox 2. Anyways, I looked through the few carts I've got in this room and found Xtreme G 2 (XG2). The original was a favorite with Nintendo Power's editors and looked beautiful in the screenshots; XG2 I can tell you about from personal experience due to my having played it.

In a word, buy. It's not a bad game by any stretch of the imagination: levels are absolutely huge, the game moves VERY quickly and things just look awesome. Though some levels pretend to be your cliche "green-goo-radiation industrial level," they still look good; there's a few that I consider letdowns but by and large they're inspired and set your imagination into motion (no spoilers here, but let's say that the choices are very nice).

There's a tank battling mode in addition to different fun modes like a survival type game where you see how many points you can rack up with a single ship (fighting waves of enemies and Motherships,) there's the classic time trial and a few other modes carried over from the original.

There's a few odd things about this game...if you ever find this game complete with the manual, take a look at the arena icons on one of the later pages. What do you see?

Then there's Castlevania for the N64 and Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness. Though separate titles, they originally were going to be parts of the same game; instead they were split up and the parts are thus larger than the whole envisioned previously. Lots of extras, especially in the (more difficult to find and probably out of your range) prequel, Legacy of Darkness. Both were a lot of fun in their own right, but I think it takes a fairly patient and intelligent player to get past the annoyances, and it helps to have an open mind (can CV be 3D?) It's usually lambasted in the press, and hated by many hardcore CV vets, but it was a pretty decent effort. It does quite well for a storyline, and I had more fun with the original game in all its flawed glory than (gasp!) Symphony of the Night (though it pays to mention that I've got the equivalent of the Japanese Greatest Hits release, and emulating a foreign PSX isn't a lot of fun).