I was very dissapointed with Nolan's talk. As I mentioned in another post, when Nolan mentioned Ralph Baer, I thought that he was going to clear the air and finally give Ralph his due. But he didn't. Instead he admitted to seeing the Odyssey but he said that when he saw it, the Odyssey was already a failure. However Nolan had seen it before it was even released, so how could it have been a failure?

Then Nolan said that when he saw the Odyssey he noticed that the console was for two players only and games would be fun if they were only for one player. What was his point in saying this. After he saw the failing Odyssey for two players only, he went out and had Al Alcorn design Pong, which was a two-player game!

- Magnavox sold over 160,000 Odyssey's during it's first year, and that was by selling them only in Magnavox stores. Nolan said they manufactured 150,000 Home Pongs.

- Nolan referred to the Home Pong as the first home videogame game. Come on! Even if the Odyssey was a failure, it was still first.

Unfortunately, Nolan suffers from a selective memory. In the Atari episode of G4's Icons, Nolan said that the name Atari was actually his third choice. At his keynote he said it was his 4th or 5th choice.

I have nothing against Nolan and I enjoyed talking with him and presenting him. But please, let's get the facts correct!