Quote Originally Posted by cityside75 View Post
Looks great! That's easily one of my all-time favorite games and cabs. How's the sideart? I've always loved it's simple yet unmistakable sideart. Also, what's your high score since you picked it up?

Congrats on the find.
Side art for the most part is nice with some nicks, dents, and scratches that don’t distract dramatically, but the footing needs the most work if possible. The left side is splitting a few inches up; though fine it would be nice to close the gaping. I’m not familiar with the touching up of artwork and it’s something I’d like to do if it can look good as there are a few solid black, white, and red areas that could use some cleaning up.

As for my high score, nowhere near the world records.
The first thing I did was move difficulty down to 0 (out of 10) and changed the rules for beginning with 20 lives and 20,000 points for each extra life. I’ve managed to hit just over 400,000 points as the Tank levels totally rob me of lives along with heavy Hulk waves.

One of the more interesting things is prior to picking up the machine was the previous issue of Retro Gamer Magazine included a 4-page article discussing the making of Robotron 2084 with Eugene Jarvis.