This game is great. Single player is decent; some of the rounds/puzzles in the 25 - 30 range are pretty fun. Basically just a primer for multiplayer. The added weapons are great. The bungie cord is not present, but you can basically use the ninja rope to act as a bungie cord, so it's kind of moot. The drill is back, although rather useless in most instances.

I'm really loving the fort variant. So much fun. I only played 4p matches in Worms 1 on XBLA, but I'm really digging the 1v1 fort play. Crazy Crates kind of sucks; seems more a random "who gets the uber weapon" type of affair than anything else. Standard and Pro are pretty much what you'd expect.

I wish that there was a way to avoid spawning the worms near barrels or right near water, but I guess that's part of Worms. It sucks when two worms are spawned right next to each other in the middle of a minefield, though. Not really much skill in killing those poor bastards...

Shame about the double jumping, and I've also run into some lag. That's inexcusable, given the amount of bandwidth this game probably pushes. In any event, for $10, buy this game. There needs to be more support for great games at $10 so companies realize that it's a good price point. There's a ton of content and replay here...I mean, I bought Worms 1 for $10 and played 100+ matches online. Well worth the money.