Quote Originally Posted by The 1 2 P View Post
While I love Max Payne, I haven't played the PS2 version. But like others have said, most cross platform games looked and generally played better on the Xbox because of the added hardware muscle. Having said that, I remember reading somewhere that the PS2 version of Burnout 3 had "spark effects"(when two cars are grinding) that were absent from the Xbox version. I'm not sure if thats true but I do know that the Xbox version ran at a smooth 60 fps.
You know I remember hearing that too, never checked into it but I do know for a fact that Need For Speed 2: Hot Pursuit is much better on the PS2!

It was so much more slow, clunky and graphically inferior on both Xbox and Gamecube believe it or not. There are for sure better versions of some games on PS2 compared to ports to other systems, but Max Payne ain't one of 'em.