Quote Originally Posted by Shadow Kisuragi View Post
My Neighbor Totoro shouldn't be hard to find on VHS and is an awesome movie. I should look out for the Studio Ghibli VHS tapes next time I'm at Goodwill.

Also, the OEM Windows 95 should have a product key with it. My OEM copy came printed on the instruction manual, but mileage may vary depending on the manufacturer that packaged it.
I've been keeping an eye out for My Neighbor Totoro, I haven't found a copy yet though I've watched the film already. I actually want to find the original FOX english dub as it's different from the Disney dub that's currently available. The FOX dub was mostly released on VHS, though it was also released on DVD for a brief period.

I didn't get the manual with this Windows 95 disc so I don't have a product key. From what I've found so far, it seems it just uses an algorithm to verify a valid product key so I just would need to use any one that's listed online. At least it's not a useless disc, the only reason I bought it was because it has USB support.

Quote Originally Posted by darkslime View Post
I got a few of the Ghlibi films on DVD from that glitch a couple years ago when you could get free DVDs from Pepsi Stuff with about 20 other DVDs. Totoro, Porco Rosso, Spirited Away, The Fox Returns. Ended up selling Totoro when it was OOP and got $97 for it, then just bought it again w/ Ponyo because it was 50% off amazon if you buy Ponyo. Great movies, gonna get the other Miyazaki movies eventually.

But I think I'm done buying for the collection or for flipping games for a while. Its been stressing me out a lot and I need to take a break. Let's see how long that lasts though.
I plan to get all those films eventually, I just don't want to spend that much on DVDs as it'll get too expensive. I barely want to get DVDs for $5, I bought plenty of VHS tapes for various movies back when they were over $20 each yet are barely worth $3 now. I might get the Ponyo gift set as I have a gift card for a local store that deals with DVDs and music, but I'm not sure yet. Was your copy of Totoro the Disney dub or the FOX dub?

I'm pretty sure you meant The Cat Returns . I haven't seen that yet but I have seen Whisper of the Heart which is where the main character originated from.