Don't know how I managed to completely blow by this one in the past...

First, we will start with the essence, or what I consider prime.

All hail the 68k

Genesis and Neo Geo. These two will forever have a home with me. No matter how much I expand or how deep I cut my collection down, they will remain. And for the most part, untouched. Just recently got my very own AES a few weeks ago and I'm really regretting holding out so long before diving into one. Sure, I've had access to MVS emulation for a while, but absolutely nothing compares to actual hardware. AES is the apex of cartridge based consoles. It's unique, scarce, beautiful and imposing in stature. It's a regal and proper lady, where as the slutty Genny is fast, cheap, easy to get into and readily available. Can't live without either, each for different reasons.

The rest is in constant flux, but this is what I feel like ATM:

Wii (GC BC) Ironclad released for VC helped pull me back in...
PS2 (PS1 BC)
PC Engine/Turbo Duo