Quote Originally Posted by kupomogli View Post
Mine would consist of.

Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy (about 100 times)
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy X-2
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy II

Final Fantasy XII (I'm still trying to finish it. I want to like it. If only the battle system didn't have these flaws.)
Final Fantasy X

Final Fantasy XI
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy XIII
I kinda agree with you on XII but its not on my list since I haven't really tried to get into it. That was the only Final Fantasy game that I've been truly disappointed by and one of the big problems is what I like to call the "Tidus Effect".

I like a lot of things about Final Fantasy X but I could not stand that Tidus was the main character. I couldn't identify with him or his issues and he came off as just being another Bishōnen anime trope character. Practically the whole game I really wished that Yuna was the main character and that left such a bad taste in my mouth that it slotted it squarely into orange territory.

I had the same problem with Final Fantasy XII the several times I've started playing it and ended up quitting. My biggest problem with that game however was the battle system, because it felt and looked like something out of an MMO. It just got old and tiresome really quickly for me and I just can't seem to get over it.