Quote Originally Posted by j_factor View Post
It is not 100% clear what the final Game Gear release was. Originally, it was indeed The Lost World, both in the US and globally. However, there is some uncertainty about Super Battletank. It was reviewed in magazines in 1994 but it's unclear if it was actually released at that time, or not until the release of the Majesco Game Gear in 2000, or possibly sometime in between. Majesco was doing Genesis reprints well before they were doing Genesis systems, so it's possible that even if only the Majesco version exists, it was released way before the Majesco Game Gear.
Huh, that's interesting, I didn't realize that Super Battletank had never had an original release... I'd always thought that the last GG game was The Lost World, 1997's only Game Gear release anywhere. I guess it might not have been, if Super Battletank indeed never got a pre-Majesco release.

As for the GG Lost World game, I have it. It's incredibly, incredibly short, I'm not even sure if there's an hour of gameplay in the thing... it's okay while it lasts, but there's almost nothing there. The Genesis game is a lot more ambitious and higher quality.