Quote Originally Posted by Tupin View Post
The thing I think ended it was Sega being stupid and having a console without a brand new Sonic game. Seriously, how was it not one of the first things they were going to release for it? Sonic Xtreme was in development hell for years, this would be like if Nintendo never released a Mario/Zelda/Metroid/Kirby/Pokemon game on a new system...
Sorry to sort of double post but tapatalk doesn't like multi quote very much...

I don't know about this, I assume you're referring to the saturn first off. Which I completely agree with by the way, not having a launch sonic game for it was just a foolish move. But to continue with that train of thought that, that ended it I would have to bring up the point that sonic adventure on the dreamcast was a great game worthy of pitting sonic vs. Mario once again... so I wouldn't say that the saturn mistake killed it, so much as left a gap for a few years...