Quote Originally Posted by csgx1 View Post
I'm a little concerned with the RDP's dpad and it seems like a potential problem with a lot of games. I'm usually 'thumb heavy' on dpads when playing certain games. So the Pokefami DX is the same where the center of the dpad can be pressed, basically hitting all directions at once? Is the Supaboy's dpad similar too?

Sounds like the included Retrobit controllers are great but I can't see myself using them much with the RDP. I wonder if the dpad from the Retrobit controllers could possibly be swapped to the RDP?
according to nusilver, the PFDX has the exact same dpad flaws as the RDP. The Supaboy does as well. Only the FC-16 Go avoids this issue, but the FC-16 GO also has the worst screen of the four.

Honestly, the two controllers the RDP comes with are so damn excellent they more than make up for the flaws of the built in controls. In fact, anytime I play it now, I sit it on its stand and play it with the controllers. The controllers are small and its really no trouble to carry one with me. Its a shame the built in controls weren't of the same quality as the stock controllers, but its clear they built-in controls weren't designed by the same people who made the external controllers.

Based on all the findings with Nusilver, it's pretty clear that the RDP and the PFDX are completely identical in every respect except for the external shape of the shell.

That makes me wonder. Nusilver, do you know who made the PokeFami DX? does the box have any company information or come with a manual of some sort?