Quote Originally Posted by Aussie2B View Post
it's about the fact that the biggest retailer of brand new games is the same retailer that actively tries to convince consumers to pass on a new game, even if they walked into the store with the intent to buy new, and go for the used copy.
Wrong! Your whole premise is way off mark. It's not even "Used games = bad". It's "Used games = scapegoat" and you're laying the blame right at the feet of Gamestop without any facts or substantial proof to back it up.

Quote Originally Posted by Aussie2B View Post
And publishers aren't going to go after any of those because those don't put a dent into sales like GameStop does. It's apples and oranges. You're talking about small independent shops and individuals. And with those, the used sales generally aren't anywhere near as close to launch as with GameStop.
! Are you serious? So DRM and Online Pass were tailor made solely to fight Gamestop and if they somehow "get fixed", it'll all go away huh? Get real! These were hits specifically on the second-hand market and consumers alike (Gamestop or not) and anyone who thinks otherwise are buying the propaganda garbage spewing right out their gold fat butts. They've already did it to Arkham City and they won't stop there. They'll never stop there.