I still think the biggest problem for the Wii that the PS2 didn't really have was burnout. The Wii sold like mad for at least a good 2-3 years. Then once everyone and their grandmother had one, it hit the skids, at least for console sales. This loss of momentum coupled with the fact that we were inundated with hundreds of crap games overwhelming the good (and some very great) games at store shelves I think hurt the perception of the Wii moving forward.

I don't know how this perception will directly affect the market status of the Wii in the next couple of years, but it's something the PS2 never really had to contend with. Not saying the PS2 had its fair share of crap, every successful console does - but the Wii set a new bar for pretty much allowing ANYTHING to get published. People generally LOVED their PS2s, I feel that the majority of people wouldn't miss the Wii - they just picked it up to play a couple of the popular titles.