Quote Originally Posted by starchildskiss78 View Post
A little side note on the WIi and the PS3...I'm practically a generation behind. I bought the Wii in mid 2008 in anticipation of the new Animal Crossing game in November and some Mario games that looked pretty awesome (like Mario Kart Wii, which had just been released) and I probably won't buy the Wii U until at least a year or two into its cycle, if at all. I just scaled back my collection by a large margin (you can just imagine how frustrated the guy at Game Stop was when I traded in a bunch of Wii and some PS3 games and could not convince me of a single game to preorder), not that I had a lot of games compared to some people! I just got the PS3 a little over a month ago. The only reason I got it was because a friend gave me a spare that needed a new hard drive to function. I have a measly total of 6 games for it and do not have many plans to buy more. Most of the popular games (sports, FPS, racing) do not catch my interest. The PS3 is mostly on PS1 duty, replacing the PSOne that occupied space under my television. I give SEGA some credit this generation, though. They actually released a compilation of Genesis games that seems to function like the originals should and in a much higher resolution. I usually prefer to play a game in its original media, but the HDTV makes some games look like ass! I just don't have the room for an "old school" tv either....so no Duck Hunt for me!
Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection. . . My first Platinum trophy. As for Duck Hunt, there are ways to play it in High Def. There a gun now you can get from playasia.com I think that works on LCD tv's. The rest is up to emulation. It's worth the trouble though.