Quote Originally Posted by Leo_A View Post
That would be even more of a novelty. The normal person doesn't even have an empty room to dedicate to a 360 degree projector setup for starters. And how would it handle things like corners of a room? And what would be the appeal to start with other than being 360 degrees? Having the cockpit of a racecar being displayed on the walls for instance hardly seems appealing when those walls might be 10 feet or more away from you.
not simply a projector that beams a image on a wall.. but more so a hologram that fills a room. So everything looks like its actually there.. So even if your in Chicago you can feel like your in tokyo without being there.

And it will happen in the future.. and you ask where the hell you gonna put something like that. Well as we all know when a demand shows for something. People will create adaptations to accommodate that demand.. even if it means tearing down apartment buildings and then rebuilding those buildings just for the purpose. (look at vegas always changing its casinos just to keep up with what people expect out of a vegas vacation)