Alright bojay we'll agree to disagree. I'm not "that" new, I got about 4 years of heavy buying / selling / pricing / collecting knowledge at this point, but new compared to you old-timers, yes. Also, I've collected Ripken cards on / off for about 15 years, so I do have some experience with analogies by comparison. Don't know much about coins / comics though.

Let me put it another way. If I had an opportunity to buy an NWC Gold at $17k, I'd really give it some thought. I'm pretty tight with my money though, and I would probably decide to just keep the cash, as that's a lot for a game. I'm not at the stage of collecting where I need a fire-proof safe for high end items, and if you have something like that, it should be safeguarded.

As far as pricing, things are usually kept on a need-to-know basis. Exactly two people need to know the value of an item, the buyer and the seller in a transaction. Everyone else is irrelevant. I don't reveal buying or selling data on my private transactions, and they are usually only a couple $100 dollars or $1,000 at most. I can certainly respect keeping $10,000+ transactions in private.