Quote Originally Posted by jonebone View Post
Why haven't you posted the link, like I asked on the first page? Also, as someone who has bought and sold this game myself, I highly doubt it would sell for $100. Not that much demand for this one.

You said this lot of 8 PS1 games went for $29? If it was just anything decent and non-sports, a reseller could have figured $5 a game for a maximum of $40. You a have provided no proof for me to believe that this reseller actually knows what he has. In reality, I wouldn't be surprised if he lists the MK3 at $15 or so, just pricing it equal to a normal MK3.

People give resellers too much credit. They know what's hot and what's talked about. A niche variant on PS1 is not something that most sellers know or even care about.
This is very true. I can't think of how many times I've picked up great Genesis/Sega CD/Saturn games at my local flea market simply because the regular reseller vendors are unfamiliar with the obscure items. I've also picked up some great Nintendo stuff to resell too, simply because the vendor pushed it aside as another "common" title. In my experience, most resellers know the Nintendo powerhouses and a few of the heavy hitters (Earthbound, Final Fantasy, etc). Anything else ... it's a hit or miss. Lots of generic pricing for other brands with the exception of big franchises like Resident Evil, Call of Duty, etc.