Look, I know that a video game crash like back in the early 80's is pretty much impossible, but things could get a bit sketchy. What if the Wii U comes out, and nobody but the core Nintendo faithful buy it? Sure, it will have impressive sales over Xmas, because there are enough Nintendo faithful that will buy it sight unseen, but after that the sales could fall off a cliff. I'm not sure that's how it's going to go down, but stranger things have happened. Then if MS and Sony bring out their consoles, and again, only the hardcore faithful by them, and after that the sales fall off a cliff again?

What if the only thing people are buying is the 99 cents iPhone type games and handful of triple A blockbusters? The economy and high gas prices and lack of job security seems to be making people a bit skittish, and maybe buying a new high priced console (anything above $199) is going to be a hard sell. Things could get really sketchy. I'm hoping for the best, but I can definitely see a bumpy video game road unless we get a real gaming breakthrough that rejuvenates the industry.