Quote Originally Posted by Sylentwulf
Quote Originally Posted by Deathstar
Everquest Online Adventures-PS2

Me and my party were camping ice goblins in Permafrost, when some jackass named dizee grabs 7 or 8 gobs, and proceeds to train our party, killing every one of us. Normally, this woudnt have bothered me, but I was 2 pinks from lvl 43!

Heheh, I can't even COUNT the number of hilarious deaths in ANY MMORPG. The best ones always involve some cocky bastard who thinks he's all that, bragging and showing off, then dying from some horribly STUPID newbie mistake, after which, everyone within radar range laughs their ass off

Another fun one is to do ANYTHING to disrupt nekkid archers perching and get them killed. Hell, killing ANYONE who is macroing or perching is always good for a laugh.

That last paragraph, ??