Quote Originally Posted by InsaneDavid View Post
I'm glad I'm not the only person who does things like wipe down old controllers and consoles when acquired. People who don't wouldn't believe the amount of dirt that comes off things like controller or AV cable cords.
Who doesn't do this? I clean whatever I get used, usually with paper towel and glass cleaner. It bugs me when I pick stuff up from craigslist only for it to be filthy to the touch. It's obvious it hasn't been used in ages so there's a good chance it's not working properly. The only time I don't is when I get things from people who are usually the original owner, when everything is still in the original packaging in near perfect shape. Stuff from thrift stores, flea markets, and yard sales get cleaned. Sometimes I have to clean books and DVD cases too.

Quote Originally Posted by The Adventurer View Post
Hmmm. Maybe I should pull appart this Genises/CD Model 1 combo I just got and give all the contacts a good cleaning...
I do this whenever I get systems, I clean the cartridge connectors whenever I can. With Genesis/Sega CD bundles I do clean the joining connectors too.