Quote Originally Posted by JSoup View Post
So, this is new. Instead of just a $5 bundle of games, they have a weekly sale where you can get the game and some other neat stuff as well.

The first one is Bastion.

For $1, Unlock Bastion on Steam and DRM-free downloads.

For minimum, Digital Soundtrack (MP3/FLAC), Bastion Digital Art Pack, Bastion Sheet Music, Bastion iPhone/Android Ringtones.

For $25+, Bastion Bandana, Bastion Original, Soundtrack CD, Bastion Postcard, Transistor Postcard.

That's pretty awesome. Hope weekly really means weekly.

I honestly don't know how I feel about this. I get kind of a sour taste in my mouth like I did with the Humble THQ bundle. I hope they continue distributing bundles along with this. If they stop that practice, it'll be a big shame, and I'll be pretty bummed out. Humble bundle was one of the best things to happen, EVER.

As far as Bastion goes; if you don't already have it, it's worth way more than $1, and even if you do, the inclusion of the soundtrack for about $3 would make this worthy as well. Though unless you're really wanting to support the developers, the $25 package is a bit lacking. A hard copy of the soundtrack, a bandana, and a few postcards doesn't seem worth it.