I'm wondering about others' experience with rear-projection LCD sets. I bought a 55" Sony WEGA from an acquaintance, and it's a great TV. It does 720p max output, but I think it looks good at lower resolutions as well. I was playing my TG-16 for a few hours on it the other day, and other than a bit of light discoloration in spots (could be my crappy ancient composite switchbox I have it hooked to), I thought the graphics all looked nice. I don't know about how that compares with a full 1080p set, since I've never owned anything higher res or nicer than this unit, but I've played several consoles on it, including a Genesis (composite), Saturn (S-Video), XBox (Component), Gamecube (S-Video), etc. and I think they all look pretty good. It kind of marries the advantages of LCD and CRT together in a way, because it's screen is flat and there's no image distortion in the corners like you'd get with a CRT. Plus the colors are bright and clear, and nearly as accurate as my last 2 CRT sets (one of which I still have/use). Anyone else have any experience with rear-projection LCD and older consoles? I'd be curious to know what others think. Assuming I can afford it when it's released, I'm considering the Retron5, and that will be hooked up via HDMI alongside my PS3 and Roku, and I suspect that will look fantastic on this set.