Quote Originally Posted by Arkanoid_Katamari View Post
Yea no, those aren't rare at all, I was just saying I enjoy the NES cuz of the unusual games like those. I mean, I saw a boxed and complete Color a Dinosaur on Ebay for maybe $200. And Action 52 is like a $1000 game and that's not exactly a desirable game to play either. Strange. Maybe I'll hafta pick it up then, it could rise in value. I don't particularly care about having all my NES games boxed either.

It just confuses me that shitstorms like Action 52 and Cheetahmen sell for hundreds and hundreds of dollars, yet Color A Dinosaur is less then $100.
I think it partly has to do with the AVGN after he reviewed it, the game is sought out. i remember there was a Sealed Genesis for 49.99 on Ebay BIN. I was about to buy it but didnt cause I wanted the NES version. Stupid me, that one goes for God knows how much now. A lot of reason why these retro games are high in price is cause of Youtubers. Especially with their game hunting and comparison of what they bought it for to what it goes for. Then they complain of high prices. Go figure.