Tandy Corporation, the parent of Radio Shack, tried a lot of other stores around the early '90s, like McDuff's (I bought my original Sega Genesis there) and after that place went under they opened Incredible Universe in the old McDuff's warehouse. That place was amazing and was always packed full of people buying big screen TVs and stuff, and yet it wasn't doing well according to an article I read around the time they were talking about selling the chain off. The article said that the Incredible Universe stores lost money, but the company was propped up by sales at Radio Shack which was a "cash cow" for Tandy. I have never understood that statement, considering the volume of sales at Incredible Universe I not only witnessed but contributed to, and all the times I've ever gone into a Radio Shack it's virtually empty. Then Radio Shack decided to badger everybody about buying a cellphone there along with wanting your name and address even if you just wanted a $1.29 headphone jack adapter. I rarely go into Radio Shack now, after so many annoying experiences there. And I still miss Incredible Universe.