Is there a legal way to score 1 million points in the original Super Mario Bros. without having to glitch or lose more than two lives per attempt?
Is there a legal way to score 1 million points in the original Super Mario Bros. without having to glitch or lose more than two lives per attempt?
The game loops so I'm pretty sure you can just keep playing.
(at least I'm fairly sure the NES and SNES versions do. Not sure about all versions. I think the GBC version might kick you back out after the ending.)
Yep. I've done it. It just takes a long time and a lot of busted bricks.
Sure the game itself loops, but the score I thought got stuck at 999,900.
The game does not loop, after you beat 8-4 it ends, goes back to the title screen and you start all over at 1-1 in the second quest, the score does not freeze at 999,990 as well,
damnit I left off a number. I remember seeing this stuff in NP magazine back in the day with mailed in scores.
Like i said the game ENDS at 8-4 thus you have to start a new game with a score of 0. I cannot speak for the millions of remakes, but in the original you do not keep your score when you start the second or third playthrough.
I wonder how many times you're allowed to keep stomping on a Koopa Troopa or Buzzy Beetle (if you time it right) in runs like these?
I'd think you could max out your score fairly easily using the 1-up trick in world 3-1 until you ran out of time. It'd take a while though, and you'd have to jump off and start over as soon as you started getting 1-ups.
EDIT: But no, not if you're limiting yourself to two deaths.
Is there an illegal way to get over a million?
Last edited by celerystalker; 09-07-2016 at 11:10 PM.