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Thread: Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (Was "Like Igarashi? Like Castlevania? Then It is Time to Decide: Sword or Whip")

  1. #21
    Kirby (Level 13) Tanooki's Avatar
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    I think a classic Castlevania could sell great once more. As you said you have that played out feeling with the SOTN style of game, they're played out, but to those who don't care who just buy them as they arrive (like yearly COD funk) they'll keep feeding the beast. At least this well over funded project is going to add a classic Castlevania stage based mode with a linear run, a boss, no XP boosts, pure roots gaming there looking to be. I'd be up for that. You can only stomp around the old 8/16bit Castlevania stuff only so much before it all runs together. If they had the visualized style of the Castlevania on 3DS or something of a sprite based smoothly animated blowout with or without the 2.5D like depth it could do well. Platformers have been coming back, this SOTN style got hot when they were hitting a wall and being ignored mostly outside of NIntendo(mario) circles.

  2. #22
    Bell (Level 8)
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    Oh, I agree. I have all of the castlevania games released for the handhelds. I liked them but they did make 6 with the same style and I just got tired of them. I really hope this gets the genre going again. I am still furious that Konami hasn't completely redone SOTN. They have taken some stupid pills over the years.
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    Peach (Level 3) PreZZ's Avatar
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    Oh man, so excited for this game! A NEW metroidvania 2d on the NEW gen consoles, by the master of the genre! Just backed a physical copy, really wanted to back the 100$ but canadian dollar is so low, its going to be 150$ with shipping... just the 60$ is 82$

  4. #24
    Reticulating Splines BetaWolf47's Avatar
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    I backed the Alchemist's Treasure version. I second what Tanooki said... the genre did get almost as stale as the modern FPS, but a renewed interest in the Castleroid style should bring about innovation, like what SOTN did for 2D games almost 20 years ago.
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  5. #25
    Crono (Level 14) Custom rank graphic

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    Nintendo fans made the biggest fuss about this game not coming to the Wii and two days ago it was officially announced that the $300,000 stretch goal was a Wii U version. It's only received $100,000 funding since then and there are a lot of posts from Nintendo fans bashing the game that "it should have been on Wii U in the first place," etc, etc. I can guarantee most of that $100,000 in two days hasn't came from Nintendo fans. Most Nintendo fans just aren't happy with anything unless it's first party exclusive. If I was IGA I'd just remove the stretch goal and put that money into putting forth more effort on the other versions.
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  6. #26
    Reticulating Splines BetaWolf47's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kupomogli View Post
    Nintendo fans made the biggest fuss about this game not coming to the Wii and two days ago it was officially announced that the $300,000 stretch goal was a Wii U version. It's only received $100,000 funding since then and there are a lot of posts from Nintendo fans bashing the game that "it should have been on Wii U in the first place," etc, etc. I can guarantee most of that $100,000 in two days hasn't came from Nintendo fans. Most Nintendo fans just aren't happy with anything unless it's first party exclusive. If I was IGA I'd just remove the stretch goal and put that money into putting forth more effort on the other versions.
    Dude, you're complaining about people not throwing money at something that's not guaranteed. With Kickstarter, if that hadn't hit a $500,000 pledge, NOBODY would be charged. Now if they start throwing money at it now, and it only hits $2,900,000, then they get nothing out of it. Plus, funding is logarithmic. It topped out a few days ago. $100,000 in two days is a hell of a lot faster than it was going the two days before.
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  7. #27
    Kirby (Level 13) Tanooki's Avatar
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    It has nothing to do with lying Nintendo fanboys. Kickstarters are nothing but hollow promises until the funding is met and the project hopefully happens as was promised for your money, but even that isn't a promise. Nintendo fans if anything get pissed off they get the snub repeatedly when they're Nintendo console owners. The fact it wasn't included originally (or 3DS for that matter) would piss any of them off who aren't multi-system owners (and believe it or not most non-net talking active community gamers) have just one box so of course they'd get angry, especially with the lack of any support the WiiU gets. The money it has popped up since that rewards was known isn't bad at all, but until it is clear that award could/would be hit, don't expect Nintendo fans to be gushing over a currently empty promise. As betawolf basically said it, it could fall short and they get nothing, other than helping send money into something they won't or can't use which is a waste. Hell if I funded kickstarters if they said they'd also throw the 3DS in there as a physical release at 3M, I wouldn't pay until it was clear it would make that or exceed as that's the only format I'd want it on.

  8. #28
    Crono (Level 14) Custom rank graphic

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    Quote Originally Posted by BetaWolf47 View Post
    Dude, you're complaining about people not throwing money at something that's not guaranteed. With Kickstarter, if that hadn't hit a $500,000 pledge, NOBODY would be charged. Now if they start throwing money at it now, and it only hits $2,900,000, then they get nothing out of it. Plus, funding is logarithmic. It topped out a few days ago. $100,000 in two days is a hell of a lot faster than it was going the two days before.
    So Nintendo fans aren't confident that their fanbase will support a mere $250k in 17 days? So even Nintendo fans don't place trust in their fanbase to buy games then right? That's exactly what you're saying. You've got three fanbases that put over a million in less than a day, but Nintendo fans who have had most of the games in this style on their systems still haven't funded the game.

    Also you're talking out of your ass. Yes, most funding is done when the funding is first available, because most people interested will immediately put money down on it, but you're just spewing bullshit out of your mouth by stating that it's going a hell of a lot faster than it was two days ago(now three days.) Starting yesterday mirror sites for multiple different regions were added so the game can get support from different languages, but even then, it's only received $150k in three days. The kickstarter hit $2m on the 15th, it took until the 20th to get $2,500k, and the 26th to get to get to $2,750k. So it has dropped drastically after hitting the latest goal, taking six days, but the rate it's going right now, it'll still take five days to hit the following goal, and that's hardly "a lot faster."

    Right now, no one can be certain any additional increase in sales now though are due to the Nintendo fans or because of support the game is getting from the mirror sites in other countries, but what we do know, based on how much money was gained since the announcement and right now, is that there's a large certainty that Nintendo fans didn't put jack shit into a game that they were bitching and moaning since the announcement on getting.
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  9. #29
    Kirby (Level 13) Tanooki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kupomogli View Post
    So Nintendo fans aren't confident that their fanbase will support a mere $250k in 17 days? So even Nintendo fans don't place trust in their fanbase to buy games then right? That's exactly what you're saying. You've got three fanbases that put over a million in less than a day, but Nintendo fans who have had most of the games in this style on their systems still haven't funded the game.

    Also you're talking out of your ass. Yes, most funding is done when the funding is first available, because most people interested will immediately put money down on it, but you're just spewing bullshit out of your mouth by stating that it's going a hell of a lot faster than it was two days ago(now three days.) Starting yesterday mirror sites for multiple different regions were added so the game can get support from different languages, but even then, it's only received $150k in three days. The kickstarter hit $2m on the 15th, it took until the 20th to get $2,500k, and the 26th to get to get to $2,750k. So it has dropped drastically after hitting the latest goal, taking six days, but the rate it's going right now, it'll still take five days to hit the following goal, and that's hardly "a lot faster."

    Right now, no one can be certain any additional increase in sales now though are due to the Nintendo fans or because of support the game is getting from the mirror sites in other countries, but what we do know, based on how much money was gained since the announcement and right now, is that there's a large certainty that Nintendo fans didn't put jack shit into a game that they were bitching and moaning since the announcement on getting.
    I'd have to agree with that. I don't trust them. I lost trust in die hard Nintendo fans years ago because the N64 started this sour turn of fanboy bullshit where they'd almost exclusively if not entirely just buy crap that Nintendo made or Nintendo published. That as much as any stupid move Nintendo did drove off game makers because the profit was a lot smaller than with the other guys. So no, I'd not trust Nintendo fans to cough up a quarter million to get it on WiiU which is why I went off on that the other day about not seeing a point until it was already there. Nintendo fans, enough of them at least, will talk a lot of shit and complain but when it comes time to buy at retail, they won't get off their mouthy asses to go to the store or even click a button online. That's what I learned, that being a Nintendo fan I'm in the minority as I'll actually buy, play and enjoy, hell enough times prefer the third party games. My 3DS has an even split of titles between what they publish and what they don't, take out their publishing it's even more third party based and I know that makes me not normal which is pathetic. It is yet one of those reasons I sold off the WiiU. Fans as much as Nintendo snubbing developers wants in a new box are responsible for it getting jack shit for releases outside of the first/second party releases and to me that's unacceptable.

  10. #30
    Great Puma (Level 12)
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    Quote Originally Posted by kupomogli View Post
    Nintendo fans made the biggest fuss about this game not coming to the Wii and two days ago it was officially announced that the $300,000 stretch goal was a Wii U version. It's only received $100,000 funding since then and there are a lot of posts from Nintendo fans bashing the game that "it should have been on Wii U in the first place," etc, etc. I can guarantee most of that $100,000 in two days hasn't came from Nintendo fans. Most Nintendo fans just aren't happy with anything unless it's first party exclusive. If I was IGA I'd just remove the stretch goal and put that money into putting forth more effort on the other versions.
    I have to say that as both a WiiU owner and a frequent Kickstarter video game backer, I find the "this game has to be on the WiiU or I won't support it" group to be extremely annoying. They make a ton of noise, but at the end of the day, they rarely make much of a difference in the total funding on projects. I like the WiiU and love Nintendo first party games, but frankly, spending any money as a third party, let alone an independent developer/publisher to port games to the WiiU is a huge financial mistake. Ultimately, PCs, PS4 and Xbox One are an overwhelming majority of the software market right now and in the conceivable future and unless there is a specific reason that a game belongs on a platform like WiiU, Vita or 3DS, it's a poor decision to promise releases for those platforms as the long-term financial return will be terrible and the short term funding bump is negligible.

  11. #31
    Crono (Level 14) Custom rank graphic

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    Now a Vita version that no one even asked for. Too many ports going to eat away at the funding and the end product suffers as a result.


    Wii U has been funded for a day and only $40k more. Thank you for lending your support Nintendo fans and all the additional stretch goals you're helping us reach. We could have had additional content, but noooooo. The amount of extra content we're losing because funding two extra consoles isn't going to be made back by the supporters of those consoles. Maybe we can hit $4m so we atleast get three extra meaningful stretch goals.

    It's nothing against Nintendo fans, it's the Nintendo "fans." The die hard fans that Nintendo is better than everything, cries how Nintendo doesn't get this and that and doesn't support it, because why should they when first party is better. I play Nintendo games and consoles so you could call me a fan, but the die hard fanboys are a bane to the industry.
    Last edited by kupomogli; 05-31-2015 at 04:51 PM.
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  12. #32
    Mega Man (Level 19) The 1 2 P's Avatar
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    I'm not sure why they would even waste time making a Wii U or Vita version unless he's just doing that because they are Japanese systems(probably). But even still, why not make a version for the much more popular 3DS than those two systems.
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    Why? Once you've seen one partially-exposed butthole you've seen them all.

  13. #33
    Kirby (Level 13) Tanooki's Avatar
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    I can see the Vita, it's not a total bomb like the WiiU, and it is Sony which is still considered the big fish over there, but the fact the 3DS is being hung out to dry is crap.

  14. #34
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    The Vita version is already going to receive a massive downscale to be ported on the system, the 3DS would be even more so. Neither the Vita or Wii U should receive a port considering that next to no one is going to purchase it and it's wasting resources, while the 3DS is so weak in comparison to the consoles that it won't be the same game. Sure it'll receive a massive graphics downgrade, but pretty sure AI, physics, etc, will all be limited or incorrect on a 3DS version.
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    All I gotta say right now is that I) the 3DS is the best-selling console month-over-month in Japan, beating every other handheld and TV console in sales, and it has sold extremely well internationally, so supporting it with any project where the game is capable of running on it should be a no-brainer if you want to maximize your sales, and II) running on GBA and DS did not significantly "downgrade" the experience of any of the Castlevania games on those consoles, so it shouldn't be any different with Bloodstained.

  16. #36
    ServBot (Level 11) BHvrd's Avatar
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    Just dropped $60 on physical Wii U edition, can't wait to play it on the crapper, in the hot tub, while eating dinner and late nights under the covers.

    My Wii U is my little companion and i'll hug him and squeeze him and....NOW I CAN PLAY THIS GAME WOOHOO!!!

  17. #37
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    My general knee jerk reply to interesting Kickstarters is "Neat, I'll get it on discount in a year or so from an indie bundle and/or flea market."
    But then I saw this is basically Order of Ecclesia 2 and I'm much more interested.

  18. #38
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    $3,750,000 stretch goal is orchestrated tracks.
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  19. #39
    Peach (Level 3) Hwj_Chim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BHvrd View Post
    Just dropped $60 on physical Wii U edition, can't wait to play it on the crapper, in the hot tub, while eating dinner and late nights under the covers.

    My Wii U is my little companion and i'll hug him and squeeze him and....NOW I CAN PLAY THIS GAME WOOHOO!!!
    I was going to wait on the game and then they announced the wii u version. Well there went 60 bucks.

  20. #40
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    Now that it seems that all the stretch goals are seemingly guaranteed to being funded, I really don't care that the Wii U and Vita versions got stretch goals. In the past 24 hours, Bloodstained has received over $500,000 in funding, making it's way from under $4m, to over $4.5m, adding three more stretch goals funded. The final stretch goal is at $5m and it looks like it's well on its way to being funded. Bloodstained is going to keep its original vision, but now there's going to be a One Way Heroics mixed with Rogue Legacy style rogue like mode which the castle will be randomized into a level that includes a boss at the end and each level is going to have a password. Hundreds of millions of combinations of levels that you can have an endless amount of content and like One Way Heroics, you can save your favorite passwords to replay your favorite levels over and over again. I have high hopes for Bloodstained and just based on the amount of content the game has, assuming the game itself will be of quality, this may turn out to be one of the greatest games of all time.

    Just to make a list of all it has to offer.

    -Bloodstained Ritual of the Night with three playable characters, having both local and online co op.
    -Classic mode. A stage based game in which the main games assets will be reworked to have six levels and play out like a classic Castlevania.
    -Boss Rush mode.
    -Speed Run mode.
    -Rogue Like Dungeon mode.

    It's almost like Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles with the remake to Rondo of Blood, Rondo of Blood, and Symphony of the Night, while this is similar in that it's a new game with all of the same features(and the Rogue Like Dungeon mode, hopefully, which is a new feature.)
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