I've fairly well culled the turds from my shelves through all the selling off of things. I have some people illogically pick on because they don't know better like Silent Service on NES, Ultraman on SNES, Bionic Commando Elite Forces on GBC, and Sim City 2000 on GBA. In each case someone I've seen snark on them before, but at worst they're more or less just misunderstood or just mediocre.

Silent Service I've seen called out the most, but most don't realize the depth of the game and that it needs 2 controllers or you can't play it right and it has issues on one pad alone. Ultraman was just a mediocre fighter, but if you're into the rubber monster Japanese thing it's actually pretty decent albeit short. Bionic Commando that one is like the old game, but has some odd sequences with sniping and stuff and has a very nasty difficulty level in part with it saving your lives. Sim City 2000 on GBA is good, it's just slow, and lacks the underground garbage of the PC version which to me makes it better as it's like an isometric original Sim City. None of them have actual damning bad design decisions, control problems, or lame bugs.