I've owned several different TRS-80/Tandy computers, including all of the Color Computer series. Pretty fun stuff, even if they weren't as popular as Apple/Commodore's offerings. When I was in high school, I sometimes hauled my TRS-80 Color Computer 2 in my backpack, and played around with it during electronics shop. Didn't have any cartridges, so I usually typed in BASIC programs while using its cassette drive to play music tapes through the TV's speaker. Another neat aspect of it is the Audio Spectrum Analyzer cartridge which, along with a cassette cable and an audio source, makes for neat patterns on the screen. In the movie "Revenge of the Nerds", a CoCo 2 can be seen during the talent show, being 'worn' by one of the nerds, and generating a 'bargraph' display on a TV screen by way of the Audio Spectrum Analyzer cartridge.