Quote Originally Posted by Tupin View Post
I'm of the stance that no one ever actually had interest, it was just Sony basically bribing studios to push it, and thus stores felt like they had to carry them. Once stores stopped having dedicated UMD movie sections (Yes, they existed) the format was toast.
That make sense, I really don't remember anyone wanting to buy them back when the system was new. Maybe once they were on clearance people started buying them up, but not for much money at all. People barely bought games for the system nevermind movies.

So besides Beta and UMD, were there any other formats Sony tried to push that ultimately failed? I'm surprised Bluray won out.

Quote Originally Posted by gbpxl View Post
Here's my problem with that. I can still enjoy a video game that was made for a tiny screen. I don't have as much enjoyment for a movie that was designed to be displayed on a 20 foot screen. Home theaters are a compromise but the PSP screen is too much of a downsize for me
I have no problem watching videos on my smartphone, including movies. The only reason movies are shown on such a big screen is so you can show it to a large room full of people all at once, nobody has a living room as big as a theater. You don't need a big screen when you're sitting so close to it.

The main issue with the PSP is that most people who bought one back then just used it for emulation or modding, few people bought commercial games for it or commercial movies. Why buy a new port of an old PS1 game when you can just emulate the actual PS1 game on it for free? Or emulate classic consoles on it for free? You could easily download video files back then so there was little reason to buy those proprietary UMD discs.