I bought a PS5 earlier in the year and it runs fine for me so far and i don't find it's selection of games to be too complex but that's just me.Mostly i wanted to upgrade finally since my base PS4 doesn't run as well as it use to.Still,monkeychemist i don't see the point of going back to the PS4 sure it's support hasn't stop yet for cross gen releases but the hardware is really showing it's age at this point.

PS3 wise i have one still but i mostly use it as a blu-ray player these days.Earlier PS3 models of course can play PS2 but later ones cannot still every model can play PSOne,games.Heck my first PS3 was the old 60GB model but later on it ylod and now i just use a super slim PS3 for watching movies etc.The PSN is still up for PS3 and online play is still free no ps plus required.Though the only catch these days if you want to buy a game for the PS3 digitally then you must have funds in you're account for PS4 or PS5.