Episode 71 – Oh Sure, I’m Just Kidnapped By Aliens, That’s All!

Greetings, and welcome to Episode 71! In this one, Brian gives a rundown on an arcade, talks about Space Ace, and gives you some thoughts from the road.

If you would like to contact the show, you can send an email at arcadeaddictbrian@gmail.com or you can leave a voicemail for the show at 734-623-0832. The show also has a Facebook page, and is also on Instagram, Twitter, Threads, Bluesky, TikTok (when I have videos) and Tumblr. All of these links can be found at https://linktr.ee/arcadeaddictbrian. I am also putting the back catalog on Youtube as well, a little bit at a time. Just search for arcadeaddictbrian or the podcast, and you will find them!

You can help the show by leaving a five-star review wherever you listen to it, which helps other people find it. If you want to help the show directly, go to https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/coaa and click on the Donate button. For as little as a dollar a month, you can help the show develop further as a podcast, as I use those funds for things directly related to the show (buying podcasting and streaming equipment, and funding arcade runs to new locations to review).

My deepest thanks to Kevin Hoffman and Benjamin Broedel for their continuing support! Without your help, I would not be in the position I’m in!

And now, I’m streaming live on Twitch! Twitch.tv/arcadeaddictbrian. If you’re a listener to the show, please do me a solid and drop me a follow over there. That helps grow the stream, and who knows, maybe I might become a big-time streamer! A guy can hope, right??

Discord server coming soon!

Hope to hear from you soon, and good gaming out there!

Arcade Rundown – Barcade, Detroit MI
Are You Experienced? – Space Ace
On The Road - December 26th, 2021: Thoughts while on my way home from work
