This would be easy if vaps hadn't killed my entry.. Some of these are projects, some are complete.

2 Ms Pac (one has 96 in 1 pac kit)
2 Asteroids
2 Star Wars
2 Warlords
Super Off Road
Smash TV
Moon Patrol
Joust (soon to be multi williams)
PC-10 (too many carts to remember)
2 Defenders
Millipede (with multipede kit)
Indy Heat
Tekken 2
MK4 (33" showcase)
Environmental Discs of Tron
Crazy Kong
Hanaho Cocktail Mame Cab

Probably 50 or 60 boards by now as well. Really wish my vaps entry was still there cause now I have no idea what I have!

I feel like I'm missing something in my cab list, but I can't for the life of me think of what it is. Lets just say I have way too many games and leave it at that!!
