Quote Originally Posted by maxlords
Quote Originally Posted by BloodshedPlague
Does anyone know of a converter for PS2 games?
THere's no such thing as a convertor for PS2 yet that I know of. You install a mod chip or rig your system for a swap disc trick. Either one is equally risky. That's it. I recommend gettinga Jp PS2 if you can.
There are several routes you can go, one being a modchip, which I have installed with no risk at all. Sure it took some effort to install it, but as long as you are good with a solder gun, you'll be ok. I've been using my modded PS2 for over 2 years now with no problem.

Another way to go is to use a swap disc. A local importer swears by a product called "Swap Magic 3.0." Here is their link
