My 17th Birthday...I had just recieved Saturn Bomberman with extra controllers and a multi-tap...and of course, 7 buddies of mine from High School who attended my party.

Here we are...gathered together in this tiny huddle like a camp fire, cheering, shouting, screaming, and cussing out the big battle royale that is EIGHT PLAYER BOMBERMAN!

The horror of this, the CPU was player number 8...we set him on "level 3" AI...little did we know...that 3 is the max...the EVIL Black Bomberman mowed us all down one by awe and shock we watched as this smart lil CPU character humilated 7 HUMAN controlled opponents...the war raged on for 4 hours....loosing to at least 27 battles (3 wins finishes each match)...and he damn near won them all!

A vote was put, if we should stop using the CPU character and just let us seven have fun...but the vote was overruled by letting him stay....which was a horrible mistake...

Never in my life, a party game like this could end in a
"Bomberman Massacre 97'" by the hands of a single tiny little bomberman!

Yet Manto the Bear, played by one of my close buddies...broke the record....stopped the black bomberman and his terror by triumphly killing his winning streak, by a simple mistake, which we still call the "Scooby Doo mess up"

He ran to the corner, stopped and the bomberman was right on his ass...Manto the Bear ran into the opposite direction like Scooby Doo, while trapping him with a line of bombs...and QUICKLY did a sharp turn around the corner...just BARELY dodging the flames from the bombs...and all that laid...was Manto standing proudly...